Policies and accreditations

STR Ltd is trading as Navis Consulting, and we are committed to delivering a service to the highest professional standard.

STR Ltd, 1 Quay Point, Northarbour Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3TD is a company registered in England and Wales (registered number 04064332). Any references to ‘we,’ ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘ours’ shall be interpreted as references to STR Ltd (trading as Navis Consulting), as the context so requires.

Please view STR Ltd’s Quality Policy Statement, Cookie Policy and Privacy Notice below.

Maritime Labour Convention

We are committed to ensuring that we remain compliant with the standards set by Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006). Please find a copy of our certificate of conformity here.

We are committed to delivering a recruitment service to the highest professional standard, therefore we are members of various Recruitment Bodies.

Navis’ commitment to diversity

Navis Consulting is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to providing a recruitment service that is completely all-inclusive. We work with the following organisations to ensure fair and respectful treatment of clients, candidates and staff across all aspects of our business:

  • Employers Forum on Disability
  • Institute for Public Policy Research on racial equality and diversity in the private sector
  • Age Concern in relation to age diversity
  • Range of organisations attached to the Department for Work and Pensions on age, gender, parenting and disability issues.

The confidential equal opportunities information collected from candidates at registration is constantly monitored. This ensures that we continue to cater for a diverse range of job seekers. If you would like any further information about our commitment to diversity or would like to give us any comments or feedback, please contact us.

Our accreditations

Full ISO 9001:2015 certification

Navis Consulting has the full certification to the Quality Standard ISO 9001:2008. ISO accreditation is an internationally recognised standard for an organisation’s internal Quality Management. The term ‘quality’ refers to all those features of a product or service which are required by the customer. An organisation’s ‘Quality Management’ refers to an organisation’s actions to ensure that its products or services satisfy customer quality requirements and complies with any regulations applicable to those products or services.

Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) accredited

Being a corporate member of the REC means we have a commitment to excellence and the most up-to-date recruitment knowledge. This gives both our candidates and clients peace of mind that they will receive a premium service, designed for them by recruitment experts.

Our commitment to quality through REC, combined with extensive knowledge and experience, means that we are the preferred supplier for recruitment services in the Maritime sector.


JobsAware (formerly SAFERjobs) is a non-profit social enterprise originally established with the aim of helping to prevent scams in the labour market. JobsAware supplies data on non-compliance to regulators, law enforcement and trade bodies, as well as working with the UK government on enforcement action against non-compliant organisations. It provides free online help and advice to anyone who thinks they might have been the victim of a job scam or unfair working practices. As a partner, Navis Consulting is demonstrating its support in stamping out job scams and labour market abuses, whilst helping those who need it gain access to advice and assistance.

All aboard!

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