- 24th November 2015
Selecting a Recruiter
On a regular basis I hear from various candidates that the agencies that they are being contacted by have not listened to their needs (Salary expectation, location, desired industry etc.) or the candidate has been sent to a role without them knowing or giving confirmation to the agent.
It’s a source of frustration for both recruiters and candidates!
So, how do you select a recruiter that you know is going to represent you in the right way?
1) Research; the recruitment industry is highly competitive and there is plenty of choice for you to pick from. Try to approach specialist agencies and look past the “jack of all trades, master of none” companies. Specialists will have a good solid understanding of your industry and the role you want to secure next.
2) Avoid the scatter gun approach; having followed step one to identify the agencies that will represent you best in your industry, give those agencies 24 hours with your CV before applying for various roles advertised online. Your CV is much better placed directly with an agency first, you can almost guarantee that your CV will be passed around the various consultants to see if they have a match for you and the chances are you will get a call. Let them do the work for you!
3) Communication; it is inevitable that once you have placed your CV on the Job Boards you will get calls from recruiters about numerous positions that may or may not be of interest. The best business relationships develop from being open and honest from the start, so talk about your expectations, discuss your reasons for leaving roles, make it known what you want from your next position and you will have the best chance of the recruiter finding you what you want.
4) Loyalty; it often happens that your CV will be submitted for a role for you to discover that another agency has previously submitted it. This is frustrating for the recruiter and for you because ultimately time is wasted on both parts. The situation is made worse by recruiters who send CV’s without even talking to you about the role! Keep a record of who you have spoken with and about what position, ask the recruiter to send you an email with confirmation of your discussions. If you know what you are applying for and you have a record of your application you will make sure that your details are being used ethically and the agency deserving to place you, will.
A reputable recruiter will add value to your job search and could become an asset to you later on, remember that the recruiter / candidate relationship should be two way so keep them in the loop; communicate any changes that affect your job search and most of all trust your recruiters’ judgement.